Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thinking in the Shower

"I do all of my best thinking in the shower."

If you're like me, you have said this or something like this at some time in your life. And it's the truth; there's something about the warm water, the peaceful aloneness that is so relaxing and I'm always able to refocus. I sometimes feel like there's almost something magical and mystical about a good shower. Then I realized why this could be - it's one of the only times we let ourselves be totally removed from outside distractions.

Think about it. Maybe you're different than I am, but I know that I rarely let myself have a good moment when I'm not distracted by something, whether it's being on the computer, watching a movie, reading a book, or listening to my iPod while I'm walking home from campus. If there's quiet space, I usually fill it. That's just how we are most of the time.

In the shower you are practically forced to have some time to yourself where it's nothing but you and your thoughts. A time when you can relax and unwind a little. When you can think clearly about issues or important decisions.

It's not that involving ourselves in these other things is bad. I'm not saying that at all. But when entertainment and other distractions are ALWAYS taking time away from what could be an important time to take to ourselves, to ponder, to listen, to think clearly about ourselves and our lives, maybe we need to rethink how we're using our time. Maybe it's time to unplug or press pause for a few minutes.

Good showers will always feel like a sacred space and time to me. But what other ways can you take time for quiet thought in your life?

~ Ashley

1 comment:

  1. When I get I the car now I rarely turn on the radio. It is nice to just have some quiet time. Also walking is a good time to have quiet moments. But I am going to learn to enjoy my shower quiet time in a whole different light! Thanks for your thoughts! Love you tons!
