Tuesday, September 17, 2013


We all know that life is great at throwing trials your way. Sometimes it feels like it's too much and you don't see a way out. It's those experiences that when you look back you can see the hand of the Lord and you are more able to appreciate what you've gone through to get where you are.

But here is the question that I pose to anyone who may be reading this: when you're in the midst of those trials and things feel pretty bleak, what do you do to hold on to hope and maintain an optimistic outlook? What gets you through the storm?

~ Ashley


  1. Sometimes trials can be pretty intense. Like recently, for me, I've been dealing with depression and it's been really hard. But there are a couple of things that keep me going:

    -The knowledge that my Heavenly Father really, truly loves me and wants me to be happy

    -My family, who constantly tell me that I am missed and loved

    -my amazing friends who are supportive and lift me up when I'm down

    I hope that you know how much I appreciate and love you guys. If you ever need help with anything or need someone to talk to, you know you can call me.

  2. Talking to friends and family gets me through tough times...and the scriptures. Hope this helps:) And just so you know, EVERYONE has trials and struggles, even when they appear to have "it" all together. Love you sweet girl!

  3. sleeping, eating chocolate, pulling the covers over my head and hiding, listening to music, having dance parties with my sisters, walking around hobby lobby, getting my car washed, buying myself flowers, going to sonic, surrounding myself with pillows, going on pintrest, listening to any of elder withlin or uchtdorf's talks, saying a prayer, writing/blogging, going to counseling, taking my meds, going to the temple and church, visiting with a friend, going out to lunch with a friend, playing with my nieces or any baby, texting my cousins, quoting movie lines - all of these things help me when i'm feeling down and going through trials. <3
